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"EFFECTS OF THE MOON (CHANDRA) ON THE DHANUSU LAGNA (SAGITTARIUS RISING) IN THE 12 DIFFERENT ZODIAC SIGNS" The Moon has the lordship over the highly malefic 8th house to the Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising). But the Moon and the Guru (Jupiter), which has the lordship over the  Dhanusu Lagna maintain mutually friendly ties with each other. Also the Moon does not exhibit worst qualities of 8th house. Thus the  Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) can assure themselves of better treatment from the Moon. 1. Dhanusu Lagna and Dhanusu Rasi:  "Moon in the Lagna" - Confused and unclean mindset. Fond of praise by others and strongly addicted to it. Losing greatly due to this attitude. 2.  Dhanusu Lagna and Makara Rasi:  "Moon in the 2nd house" - Speaking in untimely manner creates problem. Mixed characterestics. Soft and gentle outlook but with tough mindset. 3.  Dhanusu Lagna and Kumbha Rasi:  "Moon in the 3rd house" - Shy, soft charcater


The Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius sign) would focus their mind on issues related to improving business/profession and ties with life partner. The  Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius sign) would also turn their attention on controlling debts, health issues and troubles from the opponents. The  Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius sign) mindset would be filled with negative attitudes or with opposite views during the entire period of Year 2013. The Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius sign) also would try their focus on family issues and financial issues. Hence the  Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius sign) may be little confused and find it hard to overcome their confusion on various issues.  Finance: The Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius sign) may harvest huge gains on improving their financial position during the Year 2013. The Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius sign) would have access to required funds whenever they require.  Expenses: The Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius sign) may spend on issues related to entertainment, to enhance the profitab

Daily Zodiac Prediction: Is it true or not?

Can we trust the Daily, Monthly, Yearly predictions based only on the zodiac sign? OR Will the transit of Jupiter and Saturn gives the same results for everyone in a same zodiac sign? No, definitely not. If that is true, the whole population can be divided into 12 groups each representing a zodiac sign. Then the total group in a zodiac sign must have the same happening in their life. But this does not happen. Two persons having a same zodiac sign in the same family have two different life styles. In each zodiac sign, there are 3 different stars and with twelve lagnas, then we have 12 x 3 x 12 = 432 basic results for the transit of Jupiter and Saturn. Then the results also differs with the basic character (Malefic/benefic) of Saturn/Jupiter to every lagna also should be taken into the account. So it is naïve to believe and take the face value of the general prediction of the transit of Jupiter published by magazines, websites and other media.


The Zodiac Signs reflects the basic character of every individual person. In the Western Astrological studies, the Sun signs are taken as the basic parameter of notifying a person’s Zodiac Signs. In the Indian Vedic Astrology, Moon signs are considered in concluding a person’s Zodiac Signs. The Sun moves 6 months in the southern hemisphere and 6 months in northern hemisphere. Roughly it takes 3 months to reach Tropic of Cancer/ Capricorn and back from the Equator.   That is, it stays in the area of Cancer (Tropics of Cancer) for 6 months & area of Capricorn (Tropics of Capricorn) for another 6 months. Broadly, the Western Astrology divides the year into summer and winter areas. The Indian Astrology takes into account of the additional details of the planetary movement of Moon in every single month to conclude the exact characteristics of every person. That is the Indian system does not solely rely on the movements of the Moon only. The Indian Astrology takes account


You must consider below mentioned points before taking into consideration of daily predictions on your life through Zodiac Signs.   1.      The Mahadasa period is very crucial in creating favorable and unfavorable conditions in everybody’s life. This could be predicted only through the birth chart (Horoscope). 2.      Daily Predictions (Kocharam) are more generalized predictions based entirely with present day movements of various planets. 3.      But both the planetary positions on the day of birth (70%) (Natal chart) and present day’s positions (30%) (Kocharam) plays important roles in determining in everybody’s life periods. 4.      Read the table given below to understand the exact effects of daily predictions on your life. 5.      The actual happenings differ from person to person, even though you are within the same Zodiac Signs. Call us for assistance.